Viva Las Vegas

After an hour of sleep, we left for Las Vegas from the Philadelphia Airport at 8am. Gear and props in tow, bags checked - and at this point a crew of three. We are meeting with our Art Director, Tessa Law, in five hours in Vegas. I board the plane - I’m exhausted, and I sleep the whole way. After landing, we meet with Tessa. We are now a complete crew of four.

Jon Wertz - Director of Photography
Jared Wolf - Storyboard Artist, Production Assistant, All around amazing man and my fiancé
Tessa Law - Art Director

From Vegas we take beautiful roads through the desert, making several great stops, until we reach our production office and home for the next week in Kanab, UT. The main shoot of this trip focuses around a film I am working on. This beautiful team is here to help realize this concept. The working title: “A Doorway of 1,000 Churches.”

Additionally, This location offers access to many of America’s National Parks, which will enable several of our other film shoots.

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